Dear Friends,
It's official! The California Secretary of State has accepted our nomination for the West Hollywood City Council race on November 3rd, 2020.
There's a lot at stake nationally but I'm worried locally about our neighbors who are losing their apartments or their businesses.
Since day 1 of the pandemic I've been delivering masks to residents to stop community spread. I want to rebuild our community village and restore the people's voice in city hall.
Please join us, community leaders for West Hollywood. We have an honest campaign for the public good. Please make a donation if you're able. But more important, vote and let your voice be heard.
Thank You,
Moving West Hollywood Forward
It’s the spring of 2024 and we have an exciting day ahead. Today we cut the ribbon to break ground at “WeHo House” the first co-op affordable housing unit in West Hollywood. This was the first item I brought forward with John Heilman after the 2020 election. Thirty-four residents will have the opportunity to have an equity stake in their affordable housing unit. ...
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It was the summer of 2010, our city and the world were crawling out of the financial crisis. The BlockParty WeHo had opened the previous October 2009 at the old Different Light Bookstore. The patch over my left eye had just been removed after six months of surgeries. I was learning how to cope with...
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Make a donation here
Let's Move West Hollywood Forward Together. Donate to the Larry’s campaign
DonateThink Local Think Larry
Larry Block is the 2019-2020 Chairman of the Public Facilities Commission, he is also the former Chairman of the Disability Advisory Board. Larry is a local business owner of the BlockParty retail store located on Santa Monica Blvd and the 2019 Winner of the Creative City Award voted on by members of the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Larry currently serves on the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Homeless Subcommittee working on public and private sector partnerships to address the homeless crisis in WeHo. Formerly Larry founded Cross Safe WeHo which led to the updates to Pedestrian Safety on Santa Monica Blvd. and has been a city advocate for Seniors and issues central to the quality of life in West Hollywood.
A few years ago, Councilmember John D’Amico called and asked me to join him in a walk to West Hollywood Park. The park plans had been set but his quick response is the reason we have a dog park today.
This past year while serving as your 2019-2020 Chairman of the Public Facilities Commission we renewed our lease for Hart Park and will be updating Hart with an off-leash dog park and updated larger dog park. Parks and Green space make our quality of life better as residents and I’m committed to bringing more dog parks to West Hollywood and our furry friends.
Please join over 100 WeHo residents who believe it is time to move West Hollywood forward.
John Allendorfer ● Allegra Allison ● John Altschul ● Cynthia Blatt ● Laura Boccaletti ● Geoff Buck ● Bob Burke ● Michael Cautillo ● Mylena Christina ● Jerome Cleary ● Michael Collins ● Carleton Cronin ● Debra D’Amico ● Jon ‘Rock and Roll’ D’amico ● Steven Davis ● Lola Davidson ● Pat Dixon ● Rebecca Dru ● Elyse Eisenberg ● Adam Emarian ● Myra Mikie Friedman ● Matthew Fritch ● Ralph Gerstenzang ● Kerrigan Hennings ● Richard Karliss ● Leslie Karlis ● Jon Kolbeck ● Luis Marquez ● Brian Mazurkiewicz ● Woody Mcbreairty ● Ben McCormick ● Dan Morin ● David Nash ● Michael Niemeyer ● Manny Rodriguez ● Donna Saur ● Gene Saur ● Jacqui Squatraglia ● Haviland Stillwell ● Reed Stillwell ● Tai Sunnanon ● Bobby Trendy ● Hayward Wilkerson ● David Wood ● Michael Zannella ● Jonathan Bierner ● Tracy Benson ● Kyle Bonnici ● Shaun Bourget ● Will Bower ● David Burns ● Stanley Chapman ● Mykul Chretien ● Ben Coleman ● Thomas Delorenzo ● Rueben Deutsch ● Jonathan Diersing ● Donald Elmblad ● David Faranoff ● Reed Frago ● Brian Funagan● Christopher Garcia ● Elmore Garlitos ● Kevin Geary ● James Hieronymus ● Jim Hoffman ● Tyler Johnson ● David Lasky ● Peter Landrouche ● Allison Laurie ● Elisa Leone ● Tom Liebengood ● Becky Lincoln ● Gian Madrid ● Michael Hodges ● Joey Molina ● Raymond Moore ● Steven Mullin ● Katrina Palandri ● Bob Pranga ● Steven Mullin ● Corey Powell ● Joel Ring ● Nicholas Rose ● Jared Alexander Ross ● Josh Ross ● Betty Sanders ● Shira Podolsky ● Doug Schlicter ● Nate Shram ● Kris Scott Slawosky ● Steven Spreafico ● Renee Sotile ● Judy Swartz ● Kenny Tashman ● Nicolas Rose ● Tyler Vitt ● Roman Zhgent ● Craig Zucker
plus non-residents and leading LGBTQ activists:
Ivy Bottini ● Drian Juarez ● Robert Gamboa ● Peter Paige.
Be A Part of Good Change!
Building BLOCKS!
For YOU!"
-DAWN MORENO-FREEDMAN 2019-2020 Chair Arts & Cultural Affairs Commission
"I have known Larry for 35 years and I’m certain he will be a good steward for the values and future of our city. He is an active and creative thinker and has gotten things done. He will certainly support more social services as well as enhance affordable housing and the ability to age in place. Please join me in supporting and voting for Larry."
—JOHN ALTSCHUL, Current and longest serving Planning Commissioner in West Hollywood History
"Larry Block has a big heart and he gives it all to WeHo. He is deeply passionate and focuses on issues that impact people’s lives. Whether it is handing out masks on street corners, improving conditions for seniors and the disabled, or making sure the rainbow flag continues to fly over City Hall for the LGBTQ community, you will find him at the center of the debate. I know Larry will do the right thing and I support him."
WeHo Heights Neighborhood Assoc. President
"As a resident and business owner, Larry Block has made a difference in West Hollywood. He has successfully advocated for safer crosswalks, senior housing, cleaner sidewalks and a sustainable quality of life for both renters and homeowners. With Larry as a resident City Council Member, we won’t be overlooked."
West Hollywood West Resident and former Chairman of Public Facilities Commission
"This time I am not going to have my vote be against another candidate, but my vote will be for someone I truly respect and whom I believe will be part of the solution and not the problem.
2019-2020 Chair Senior Advisory Board
“You can count on Larry Block to improve the quality of life for residents in West Hollywood.”
Appointed to the Planning Commission by Jeffrey Prang, Donald is the 2nd longest serving Planning Commissioner in West Hollywood history, also the namesake to the 'Donald Delluccio Democrat of the Year
Award' issued by the Beverly Hills/West Hollywood Democratic Club.
"Larry Block is the caring friend we need on the city council. It is very hard for seniors and people with disabilities to ask for help when they need it. In my case, Larry saw that I was in trouble, got down to business and just helped automatically! G-d bless him! In these difficult times, we need an anticipatory personality, not a reactive one on the city council."
Disability Advisory Board
"For over 15 years, I have known Larry to be a man of integrity, dedication, and passion. He has always been a champion of those in need and a defender of the principles and heritage that have made West Hollywood a uniquely wonderful place to live. Now, when that possibility seems to be eroding at every turn, we need Larry to protect our city."—KERRIGAN HENNINGS,
Mid-City Resident
“Larry speaks from the heart and is pro-active and solution oriented. A vote for Larry is a vote for all of us.”
Eastside resident with many years of service on both the Public Safety Commission and Public Facilities Commission after her service as 'The People’s Deputy’ to the late Sal Guarriello